• Personal

    How about this?

    In my New Years post I told you about scaling back the amount I was posting I said: “Having decided this I will also go back to posting once a week instead of twice as that still makes it fun…

  • Personal

    Healthy habits & goals

    Let me start off by saying that I have gone back and forth with myself if I wanted to share any of these things. I have found that deleting a lot of personal posts has given me a lot of…

  • Personal


    Have you ever lived without your phone for an extended period? I don’t want to judge but you probably haven’t. Here is the thing neither have I. I do however know that I could. A phone is one of those…

  • Personal

    Happy New Year

    Remember last year, when I was so sad when the year was ending? I was so upset that 2015 was over because I had loved it. Every single bit of it, I was on such a high. I felt amazing…

  • Personal


    The saying “respect is earned not given” has been thrown around a lot. I understand what people mean and it looks good on paper but in real life, it doesn’t happen like that. If you hear a story about something…