• Studying,  Videos

    Study with me #6

    Aah, there it is, another video. I must say I do enjoy making videos and editing them. They are not as cool and interesting as I would like or what others can do. But I am doing my very best,…

  • Studying,  Videos

    Study with me #4

    Processing this video was so hard. I had constant problems with my editing software, but I fixed it. I usually call on my dad to fix all my IT problems, but this time, he couldn’t help me promptly, and thus,…

  • Studying,  Videos

    My very first video

    In a way, I cannot believe I am writing this, in another I can. This one was a long time coming. I can finally write these words Welcome to my first video. In the past, I have talked at length…

  • Personal

    Sharing Videos

    People are different and ever-changing. You will never find two people the same, however, there are attributes quite a few people have. For example, I am a perfectionist, I also worry a lot. A goal of mine has been to…